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Monday, March 7, 2011

Pics Old Churches Must Be Saved! 's Photos

Two old churches, located on Kizhi island in Karelia, are being restored now. Have a look at this curious process.

Pokrovskaya Church is being actively restored even now, in winter. But Preobrazhenskaya Church is just standing in scaffolding – nobody’s near and inside.
A special commission constantly controls its restoration.
Now the main object of control is Preobrazhenskaya Church, because a new and unique method of restoration is used here. It’s called lifting.
All this complicated construction serves for lifting of the building to certain altitude so that the restorers are able to pull out the old logs, restore them and put them in again.
This part of the church under the cellophane is already taken to pieces. It leans on the metal constructions only.
Like this one.
A magical jack which easily lifts the whole church.
To restore logs is an absolute need, otherwise the church is going to decay and collapse soon.
And no one wants this miracle to dissapear from Earth’s surface.
This log, 16 m in length,  from the very bottom of the church is carefully hidden under the shed. As its transportation is impossible, it is going to be restored in spring.
The belfry.
And this is inside the church.
Inner constructions are an essential part of lifting technology.
During the restoration tourists are not allowed to enter the gates.
One of the domes of Pokrovskaya Church with new details. The processing of its surface is a really hard job.
The village is also a part of the reserve. Inside these houses many workers live during the whole year.
And this is the workshop where logs are restored.
Real professionals at work.