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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Art Of Soviet Propaganda Wallpapers Art 's Photos

“Retreating the White Army is burning down the wheat”
“Criminal is the one who kills young domestic animals.
Extend the herds! It is our salvation!”
“Red Army Figter! Remember that you take care of what is your own”
Caricature of kulaks and priests
“Lands and factories to landlords and capitalists”
“Devil doll” – the Entente
“Cossack, you’ve got the only way – with “Labor Russia”
“Only Red Army will give us bread! Red Army advances – the bread stocks are growing”
“The ship of counter-revolution crashes against Soviet strongholds”
“Electrification and counter-revolution”
“Wrangel is advancing! Black robber wants to take our bread, coal and oil, workers and peasants”
White Army poster “That’s how the bolsheviks play the master in Cossack villages”
“What have you done for the front?”
“The call of Russians and Ukrainians is the same – don’t let the landlord be the master of the worker”
“We don’t want the war – but we’ll defend the Soviet lands”
“Tsar regiments and Red Army. For what we fought before and for what we fight now”
“Tsar, priests and the rich on the shoulders of workers”
“Sacrifice to the International”
“Constituent Assembly: France, Chernov and a capitalist”
“The Entente – under the mask of peace”
“Peace and freedom for the Sovietdom”
“Revenge to the tsars”
“Parasites and slackers do nothing and prevent others from working”
“Cherish the book, it is a true friend in a trip and in labor”
“Reading is one of the man’s musts”
“Soviet propaganda day. Knowledge to everyone”
“Book is a man talking in public”
“The worker has pulled the world out of darkness and illuminated it with the light of enlightment”
“Light and knowledge for the people”
“From darkness to light, from battle to book, from sorrow to happiness.”
“Cooperation help people become brothers”
“Сooperation is open for everyone”
“Red plowman”
“Mighty culture creates mighty cooperation”
Comic tale of Vasili and Peter. One of them worked and the other enjoyed himself doing nothing and ruined the village.
“Those who are against Soviets”
“We deliver freedom to the world”
“Illiterate is blind, failures and misfortunes wait for him everywhere”

“To the deceived brothers”

“We are not slaves”

“People eating each other because of famine are not cannibals, cannibals are those who does not want give the church gold to the starving”

“Remember about the starving”

“Citizens! The famine is critical. We have to buy it for the church gold”

Anti-bolshevik poster: “That’s how the bolshevik punitive squads consisting of the Chinese and Latvians take bread by force, ravage villages and shoot the peasants”

“The Soviets are the alarm of people”

“Everybody to the battle against the infestation”

“Workers of the world, unite!”

“Enemy wants to seize Tula – the smithy of Red Army. Defend Tula! Crush the enemy!”

“To have more one needs to produce more. To produce more one has to know more”

“Comrade! you have to wield a rifle as a scythe.”

“Your family and friends suffer under the bolshevik yoke. Go and set them free!”

White Army poster making fun of expensive clothes in the bolshevik period.

“Women, enter cooperation”

“Electricity in the village”

“Russia, help Donetsk miners!”

“They will give coil to the Soviet Russia, which is a great motive power. Give them machines, clothes and food.
You have to help them, they build communism working inside dark mines”

“Plant forests”

“Million hungry workers call for help”

“Wrangell advances! Take the weapons, proletarians”

“After polish landlord goes Russian landowner. Peasant, remember it!”

“To the working victory”

“Proletarian! You wasn’t afraid of heavy guns. Don’t be afraid of hard labor! Working country will be build with labor”

“How the tsars humbled the people”

“Long live Red Army”

“The Entente prepares new march. Keep your eyes open!”

“What has the working Moscow done during the week of Red Army”

“Glory to victorious Red Army”

“For socialism. To the victory!”

Joining Red Army.

On the pictures below are posters of the 20-30s that tried to explain to children what was the occupation of these or those state people.
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The posters were amplified with rhymes so that the children could easier understand what functions perform different Ministries.
Such as:
“Ministry of Public Health
He watches over you
Outside and inside,
For you to be a healthy fellow,
Not a milksop”
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Ministry od Agriculture and Food
“Here he is,
With the only thought
About the native land,
So it could give you each day a piece of bread”
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Ministry of Railroad Communications.
“He feels sorry for your feet,
And he’s always there
To take you either by train or by sea,
Wherever you need and just in time”.
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Ministry of Trade
“He is deeply in his thoughts
Trying to protect you from fraud and lies
Either overland or in the sea.”
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Ministry of Finances
“Rubles, copecks’ friend is here,
Anytime he’s near,
Your pockets are full of money”.
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Soviet people’s committee
“He is here, he is there,
He has lots of tasks and work,
So many things are under his control,
In order you could live much better”.
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Ministry of Communications
“From Egypt to Siberia,
Promptly from any corners of the world,
Everything that happens on Earth,
He is able to tell you”.
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Ministry of Labor
“He is watching from all the corners,
In order you would never and nowhere
Be offended in labor”.
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs
“He is in dialogue with all the world,
In order all countries would live in peace with you”.
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Ministry of Education
“What he has to do
Is to prevent you from being a fool.”
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All-USSR head.
“Once you feel sad about something,
Go directly to Kalinin for advice,
He is a “head” to settle all these things.”
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